Tagged: Daily Prayer Intention

Today, we pray for the healing of our addiction to TV

Lord Jesus, today we bring to You the hypnotic attachment the world today has to television-watching. We pray especially for homes where even family prayer has been replaced by incessant sitcom-watching. May the attention of our young not be captured or corrupted by anything vulgar or offensive. Protect what we watch and wash it with Your Precious Blood. Our families should be spending time with You and with each other daily, rather than being cooped up in front of the TV. Give us the strong will and the grace for it, Lord Jesus. Amen.

Today, we pray for those struggling with their weight

Lord Jesus, today we pray for the obese and the underweight. Lord, correct our metabolism and bring restoration and balance to our bodies. Cover us with Your love when we struggle with low self image. Help us chose food that brings energy and vitality to our bodies, clarity to our minds. Let us treat our bodies with respect and care, as true temples of the Holy Ghost. Give us energy and enthusiasm to find efficient exercise regimes and stay committed to those. Lord, give us victory in this battle for good health. Most of all, Lord, give us the wisdom...

Today, we pray for world peace

Lord Jesus, God of love, we pray that Your peace comes into our world. Our world is torn by broken individuals, distant factions and fighting countries. We pray that Your touch heals each one of them. May the love that Your Holy Spirit gives cleanse individuals, faiths, churches and groups. When Satan comes to steal, kill and destroy relationships, send Your Spirit and healing. God bless us all. Amen.

Today, we pray for alcoholics

Lord Jesus, today we bring to You those who are addicted to alcohol. Jesus, only You can heal these men and women who are caught in the web of intoxication. We pray that our youth especially, are protected from falling into this temptation. A special prayer for the spouses, parents and children of alcoholics. May our homes and organisations be places where individuals can celebrate without drinking. Heal the addicts. Amen.

Today, we pray for the forgiveness of our sins

Lord Jesus, today we bring to your our sins that took You to the cross. The hypocrisy, disloyalty, anger, greed, unforgiving nature, arrogance, our harsh behaviour, bitter words, greed, neglect of family and friends, unwillingness to help our brethren, alcoholism, lying, cheating, gossip, abortion, wrong relationships, adultery and sexual sins, addictive sins and everything else that You alone are fully aware of. Lord, only Your Holy Spirit can heal us and make us new creations. We humbly kneel at the foot of Your rugged cross this day and plead Your blood of forgiveness over ourselves and our own. Amen.