Lord Jesus, we surrender to You today our desire to become saints. We were created to worship and honour You with our lives. We consecrate ourselves to You in a special way today, O Christ the King and pray that we will live fulfilling lives that bring honour to Your name. May our homes, churches and workplaces be places which shape us into saintly people. Let us become role models for other Christians, in our love, purity, integrity, humility, joyfulness, holiness and simplicity. Amen.
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The God of the Living Rev 11: 4-12; Lk 20: 27-40 The God of the living: that is how Jesus presents his God and Father, and our God and Father. Resurrection is the foundation of our conviction that our life is not merely made of the few years that we spend on this earth. Our life is part of the Eternal Stream, that is God and we have but a few years here on earth. We come from and we are meant for a union that is eternal and all our efforts during this life has to be towards ensuring...
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Lord Jesus, we surrender to You today members of our extended family. We pray that strife within our homes is healed and relationships are washed in Your Precious Blood and mended. May we learn to love them as our own, just as You decided they should be our own. May every negative thought be surrendered at the foot of Your cross today. Bless our dear ones to come closer to You and to each other. May we always bless and never curse them. Amen.
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Lord Jesus, God of love, we pray that great peace comes into our world with Your one touch. Our world is torn by broken individuals, distant factions and fighting countries. We pray that Your hands heal each one of them. May the love that Your Holy Spirit gives cleanse individuals, faiths, groups. God bless us all. Amen.
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Lord Jesus, today we bring to You the oldest members of our families and society. We pray that Your presence comforts them in their loneliness. Keep them focused on You, rather than on their aches and anxieties. We pray specially for those who are living alone. Watch over our parents and grandparents, Oh Jesus. May they have angels for their aid whenever they are alone. Help us serve them well, all their lives. Amen.
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