Tagged: Daily Prayer Intention

Today, we pray for those in debt

Lord Jesus, today we pray for the grace to be free from debt. Lord, help us honour You first with our money. Whatever we earn, let the first fruits be Yours. May our brothers and sisters who are facing loans, mortgages, crisis situations or loss of jobs – be helped in time, by Your angels. Give us financial blessings, steady support and good jobs. Amen.

Today, we pray for the hospitalised

Lord Jesus, today we bring to You those who are admitted in hospitals. Jesus, only You can heal them with Your special touch. We also raise their friends, families and carers into Your mighty hands. We specially pray for those who have undergone surgeries or other painful health procedures and are recuperating. May their pain be lessened and their healing quickened. Bless and comfort them, Lord. Amen.

Today, we pray for those who are suicidal

Lord Jesus, on this day we bring to You our brothers and sisters who are being rammed by this cruellest attack against their souls. We pray that Your heavenly and earthly angels will support them when they are at their lowest. May they always find a friendly hand to hold, pray and bring them back. Break the strongholds of evil. Deliver them right now and forever – by the mighty power of Your Precious Blood, Lord Jesus Christ. A prayer for the families and friends of those who have killed themselves. Comfort them, like only You can, Lord Jesus. Amen.

Today, we pray for a deeper relationship with Jesus

Lord Jesus, today we give to You our desire and longing to know You, love You and have fellowship with You. Each moment of each day, let us have intimacy with Your Holy Spirit. Anything that blocks the work of Your Spirit, we bind it and break it in Your Holy Name. We plead to God the Father for a personal relationship with God, not merely religion. Let us become the kind of Christians who really know the Lord Jesus Christ. Let us become filled with Your love and light; and let us pass it on to our brethren all...

Today, we pray for those struggling with their weight

Lord Jesus, today we pray for the obese and the underweight. Lord, correct our metabolism and bring restoration and balance to our bodies. Cover us with Your love when we struggle with low self image. Help us chose food that brings energy and vitality to our bodies, clarity to our minds. Let us treat our bodies with respect and care, as true temples of the Holy Ghost. Give us energy and enthusiasm to find efficient exercise regimes and stay committed to those. Lord, give us victory in this battle for good health. Most of all, Lord, give us the wisdom...