“I have come not to bring peace, but a sword.” –Matthew 10:34, RSV-CE

Peace only fully comes when the kingdom of God is established. Peace starts and builds in one human heart at a time. Until then, there is conflict — internally within a person’s heart, and externally among people. There is resistance and a civil war (see Jas 4:1).

Jesus says that He came not to bring peace but rather a sword (Mt 10:34, RSV-CE). What sword does Jesus bring? He brings the Word of God, the Sword of the Spirit (Heb 4:12-13; see also Eph 6:17). The Holy Spirit wields the sword of the Word to perform surgery on all who need to be healed. This is much like a surgeon who wields a scalpel to cut out diseased tissue from a patient.

The sword of the Spirit convicts the world (Jn 16:8). The prophetic word of Isaiah in today’s first reading is intensely challenging and convicting, even to the point of being insulting (Is 1:10). Do you want to hear that your hands are full of blood (Is 1:15) or that you hate discipline (Ps 50:17)? However, a surgeon must speak the truth before an operation. Far more does the Holy Spirit speak the truth while wielding the scalpel of the Word of God. Let the Word of God do its convicting work. Allow the Holy Spirit to operate as needed to bring peace into your life and family.

PRAYER: Jesus, divine Physician, “Prince of Peace” (Is 9:5), grant me the grace to trust You more than I would trust an expert surgeon.
PROMISE: “Whoever gives a cup of cold water to one of these lowly ones because he is a disciple will not want for his reward.” –Mt 10:42
PRAISE: St. Benedict is recognized as the Father of Western Monasticism. Over the centuries, countless monks and consecrated religious have been formed and inspired by his timeless teachings.

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