“His face blanched…” –Daniel 5:6

The fingers of human hands have written the words of God, that is, human authors wrote the books of the Bible. King Belshazzar trembled and was deeply shaken by watching the words of God being inexorably and relentlessly written upon the wall (Dn 5:6, 9). “There is no chaining the word of God!” (2 Tm 2:9) Perhaps the king ordered a servant to prevent that hand from writing. But such efforts, even if attempted, could not overcome the writing of the word God wanted to be communicated.

The Word of God is living and effective (Heb 4:12). All the forces of evil men may persecute those who proclaim the Word of God by speech or in writing. Those forces try to persecute God’s messengers in order to stop God’s hand from writing and His Spirit from speaking. If you consider it difficult to speak and spread the Word of God, consider how much more difficult it is to oppose the spreading of the Word of God! As the Lord told St. Paul, “It is hard for you to kick against the goad” (Acts 26:14). A goad was a piece of wood, pointed on one end. The point was used to prod an ox into motion. Therefore, if you oppose the spread of the Word of God, you are just causing yourself more pain. Opposing the Word of God is a hard, painful way of life.

God cannot be stopped. His Word does the job (Is 55:11). Disciples of Christ, be confident and spread God’s Word. “For there is One greater in you than there is in the world” (1 Jn 4:4).

PRAYER: Father, I know that no weapon fashioned against Your Word can stand (Is 54:17). Send Your Spirit on Your servants that we may serve You with gladness and confidence.
PROMISE: “By patient endurance you will save your lives.”–Lk 21:19
PRAISE: One of the Vietnamese Martyrs told of his joy while being tortured because he knew “Christ was with him.”

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