“You will grieve for a time, but your grief will be turned into joy.” –John 16:20

Because of the outbreak of the coronavirus, we in Ohio were not able to take part in public Masses for over two months. We “grieved” the loss of the Eucharist (see Jn 16:20). When the day arrived that we could attend Mass and receive the Holy Eucharist, our grief was turned to joy (Jn 16:20).

Tomorrow begins the Pentecost Novena, nine days of praying for and preparing to receive the Holy Spirit in a life-changing way at Pentecost. Jesus insisted that His apostles wait and pray for the coming of the Holy Spirit. The grief we have experienced in the two-month loss of Holy Mass was turned into joy that no one can take away from us (Jn 16:22).

The first apostles were also without the special presence of the Lord between the time of His Ascension and the day of Pentecost. They obeyed Jesus’ instruction to wait for the Holy Spirit by praying fervently (Acts 1:14). Likewise, we have been given nine days to pray and prepare for the Holy Spirit. Jesus says to you: “I send down upon you the promise of My Father. Remain [in prayer] until you are clothed with power from on high” (Lk 24:49). Jesus has a most special gift for you, the outpouring of the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:8). In obedience to Jesus, will you devote these next nine days to praying to receive a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit?

PRAYER: Father, I beg You to fill me with the Holy Spirit in a new way. May I use these gifts of the Spirit to serve You in holiness and power.
PROMISE: “The Lord has made His salvation known; in the sight of the nations He has revealed His justice.” –Ps 98:2
PRAISE: Focusing on our modern culture can be depressing. St. Philip Neri, a “saint of joy,” offers a remedy. He used his sense of humor while caring for the sick and imprisoned.

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