Category: Prayers in English
Lord Jesus, You taught us a valuable lesson about loving those who hate us. We now pray for each person whom we have harmed and who has harmed us in any way. Sweet Jesus, let Your healing and love flow. Let peace be established. May Your children stop hurting each other through their thoughts, words and deeds. Bless each one of our enemies mightily today. Specially bless our family and friends – our dear ones who treat us like enemies now. Amen. Collect: O God, who have made the blood of Martyrs the seed of Christians, mercifully grant that the...
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Lord Jesus, today we bring to Your Cross, those of us who are awaiting a major revival in our lives. Lord, only Your Spirit can rebuild and revive anything that’s bent, broken or totally shattered. We pray that Your light will come into our lives and provide the breakthroughs we desperately seek – in our ministry, relationships, marriages, careers and any situations we face, during our daily walk. May help come when we turn to You. And may we turn to You first before we seek help elsewhere. Also, bring to us good people who can help us turn the...
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Lord Jesus, today we bring to You our lack of trust in You. The fear, the doubt and the torment that we inflict upon ourselves, not knowing even one iota of Your love for us. Lord, may we come to know Your love, even though it can never be completely known. May we never raise our thoughts, words or actions against You. Bless us to become Your true children, who know Your Father’s Heart. Amen.
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Lord Jesus, today we bring to You those who we bump into during our daily walk. The men, women and children we do not know, but who are all opportunities You provide for us to share Your love. May each person we meet, see Christ in us. May Your Holy Spirit radiate and touch the lives of everyone we meet. Touch and heal them; and through the love we give, heal us all too, sweetest Lord Jesus. Amen. Collect: God our Father, who by sending into the world the Word of truth and the Spirit of sanctification made known to...
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“Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.” :: Colossians 4:2 What value do you place on prayer? Do you regard it as a wonderful gift of grace from God, or as an unbearable burden? The privilege of prayer is a special gift from God to us. It is God’s personal invitation to you to enter into His sanctuary, to talk to Him and listen when he has something to say to you. Prayer is a discipline that requires preparation and practice. Make time to come quietly into the presence of God. Focus your attention on Jesus. Listen and speak...
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