Category: Prayers in English


“The married man is busy with this world’s demands and occupied with pleasing his wife. This means he is divided.” –1 Corinthians 7:33 Many of you who readOne Bread, One Body are married. Today’s second reading seems to imply that marriage is a limited vocation because a married person is not able to be both married and “busy with the Lord’s affairs” (1 Cor 7:32). It is important, however, to read this passage in its context. St. Paul believes that Jesus will return shortly (1 Cor 7:29, 31). If “the time is short” (1 Cor 7:29), then it is vital...


“You are the man!” –2 Samuel 12:7 Mass Readings: January 27 First: 2 Samuel 12:1-7,10-17; Resp: Psalm 51:12-17; Gospel: Mark 4:35-41 Listen to the Mass Readings From a distance, David saw the beautiful Bathsheba bathing. Instead of looking away, he looked lustfully at her (2 Sm 11:2). This led to adultery, murder, and the death of an innocent child. If David had not repented after being confronted by Nathan (2 Sm 12:7ff), his lustful looks could have resulted in the destruction of the nation. When Jesus tells us to gouge out our eye rather than look lustfully, He’s doing us...


“May grace and peace from God our Father, and Christ Jesus our Savior, be with you.” –Titus 1:5 Mass Readings: January 26 First: 2 Samuel 11:1-10,13-17; Resp: Psalm 51:3-7,10-11; Gospel: Mark 4:26-34 Listen to the Mass Readings Many Catholics first get involved with the Church through money – such as helping with various fundraisers. Some Catholics serve as ushers, taking up the collection baskets at Mass. Others count or deposit the collection. Still others serve the Church as accountants, business managers, or on parish finance councils. St. Titus is a good patron saint for these faithful people. One of the...


“I have been sent by the Lord Jesus Who appeared to you on the way here, to help you recover your sight and be filled with the Holy Spirit.” –Acts 9:17 Mass Readings: January 25 First: Acts 22:3-16; Resp: Psalm 117:1-2; Gospel: Mark 16:15-18 Listen to the Mass Readings After “a light from the sky suddenly flashed about” Saul (Acts 9:3), he was “unable to see, even though his eyes were open” (Acts 9:8). Many people, even Christians, have open eyes but are blinded spiritually by the god of the present age (2 Cor 4:4). After Ananias “laid his hands...


“Should you build Me a house to dwell in?” –2 Samuel 7:5 Mass Readings: January 24 First: 2 Samuel 7:4-17; Resp: Psalm 89:4-5,27-30; Gospel: Mark 4:1-20 Listen to the Mass Readings David had the desire to do something great for God. Surely David’s motivation was well-intentioned. Yet God never asked for a house or temple (2 Sm 7:7). Thank God for church buildings, for homes in which Jesus is enthroned as Lord, for business buildings dedicated to the glory of God. Almighty God, however, cannot be contained. When Solomon, David’s son, completed the building of the Temple, Solomon himself recognized...