Category: Prayers in English


“Give your servant, therefore, an understanding heart.” –1 Kings 3:9 Solomon asked for and received “a heart so wise and understanding that there [had] never been anyone like” him (1 Kgs 3:12). However, “when Solomon was old his wives had turned his heart to strange gods, and his heart was not entirely with the Lord, his God, as the heart of his father David had been” (1 Kgs 11:4). Solomon, the owner of what was the best heart in the world, suffered heart failure because of his sinfulness, especially idolatry. On this first Saturday of the month, we think of...


Mary and Joseph “came to offer in sacrifice ‘a pair of turtledoves or two young pigeons.’ ” –Luke 2:24 In presenting their children to the Lord, Jewish parents made a small sacrifice in place of sacrificing their children. However, in Jesus’ Presentation, a small sacrifice did not replace a great sacrifice; rather, it prefigured Jesus’ ultimate sacrifice on Calvary. Therefore, Jesus’ Presentation is not a calling to less sacrifice but to sharing in Jesus’ perfect sacrifice. Today, we are called to be like Mary and open our hearts to be pierced with a sword of suffering (Lk 2:35). We are...


“Afterward, however, David regretted having numbered the people, and said to the Lord: ‘I have sinned grievously.’ ” –2 Samuel 24:10 Mass Readings: January 31 First: 2 Samuel 24:2,9-17; Resp: Psalm 32:1-2,5-7; Gospel: Mark 6:1-6 Listen to the Mass Readings David committed serious sin in his life. For example, he committed adultery and arranged for the husband of his mistress to be killed. One of David’s worst sins was not so spectacular. Against God’s will, David counted the number of men fit for military duty in Israel and Judah. This sin resulted in the deaths of 70,000 of King David’s...


“If only I had died instead of you, Absalom my son, my son!” –2 Samuel 19:1 Mass Readings: January 30 First: 2 Samuel 18:9-10,14,24-25,30–19:3;Resp: Psalm 86:1-6;Gospel: Mark 5:21-43 Listen to the Mass Readings Nathan, the prophet, had revealed to David that David’s sin of adultery would result in many deaths (see 2 Sm 12:10). The child conceived through David’s adultery died (2 Sm 12:18). Amnon followed in the footsteps of David, his father, by committing the sexual sin of raping his sister Tamar (2 Sm 13:14). Absalom, Tamar’s brother, took vengeance on Amnon and murdered him (2 Sm 13:28-29). Years...


“Shimei…was coming out of the place, cursing as he came. He threw stones at David.” –2 Samuel 16:5-6 Mass Readings: January 29 First: 2 Samuel 15:13-14,30; 16:5-13; Resp: Psalm 3:2-7; Gospel: Mark 5:1-20 Listen to the Mass Readings Shimei behaved toward King David like Satan and his demons behave toward the people of God. Shimei threw curses and stones at David, kicking David while he was at the lowest point in his life. Shimei did his best to drive the king out of town (see 2 Sm 16:7). The Gerasene townspeople likewise drove Jesus, a King greater than David, out...