Category: Prayers

Today, we pray for our siblings

Lord Jesus, on this day we bring to You our siblings – our own brothers and sisters and those we consider as siblings. We pray that every blessing may be theirs – a personal relationship with You, good health, great family life, proper finances, lovely friendships and all that Your loving heart seems good, Jesus. Thank You Lord, for this indescribable gift of them. A special prayer for those among them who are still unsaved – those who do not believe in You. Amen.

Today, we pray for parents who feel abandoned

Lord Jesus, You gave us the gift of parents. There are so many children who do not see their parents as a gift, but rather as a burden. Our parents have given their whole lives and made a lot of sacrifices for their children. But today they feel unwanted and left out. We offer their pain unto You. Have mercy on them. May children one day realise their mistake and learn to love and care for their parents who deserve their love. Amen.

Today, we pray for the unknown angels in our lives

Lord Jesus, today we pray for those we bump into in our daily lives – people who we don’t know, but who are timely angels in disguise. The unknown faces – ministers and prayer partners who have lifted us up, fellow travellers, shopkeepers, friends of friends and members of our families and communities we may have never met, but have helped improve our lives. Bless each one of them and their own mightily today, Lord Jesus. A special prayer of love, for all those forgotten angels who have ever said a prayer for us. Amen. Collect: O God, who through...

Today, we pray for those in debt

Lord Jesus, today we pray for the grace to be free from debt. Lord, help us honour You first with our money. Whatever we earn, let the first fruits be Yours. May our brothers and sisters who are facing loans, mortgages, crisis situations or loss of jobs – be helped in time, by Your angels. May we get back everything the devil has ever stolen from us. Give us financial blessings and Your peace and wisdom to enjoy it with. And may we learn to share, whatever we own. Amen. O God, strength of those who hope in you, graciously...

Today, we pray for those awaiting miracles

Lord Jesus, we need a miracle today. We bring to Your Cross, those of us who are awaiting a major touch of God, in our lives. Lord, only Your Spirit can rebuild and revive anything that’s bent, broken or totally shattered. We pray that Your light will come into our lives and provide the miraculous breakthroughs we desperately seek – in our spirituality, ministry, singlehood, relationships, marriages, careers and any situations we face, during our daily walk. May help come now when we turn to You. Let hope come alive today and never die. And may we turn to You...