Category: Prayers

Today, we pray for persecuted Christians

Lord Jesus, today we bring to You our brothers and sisters who are being tortured for their faith in You. Lord, let Your mercy and healing flow – into the prosecuted and the prosecutors. May the ones who harm us, know that – to know You, is to speak about You. May Your name be glorified and spread across the world every second. A special prayer for the souls of those martyred for Christian faith and for their families. May Thy church grow without boundaries, my Jesus. Amen.

Today, we pray for the helpless

Lord Jesus, today we pray for those among us caught up in helpless situations. Grief, stress, family problems, work issues, sinful bondage, abuse and financial crisis – only You can deliver us from these, sweet Jesus. May Your power flow into these areas, bringing healing, comfort and joy. We pray for redemption. We pray for timely angels to be rushed to our side. More than anything, let us have the assurance and the peace from Your Holy Spirit. Amen.

Today, we pray for workers

Lord Jesus, today we bring to You those among us who work for a living. The ones who hold jobs in all walks of life – men and women, old and young, rich and poor. We pray that all of us give hundred percent to our jobs and treat those as an opportunity to bring people close to You. May we glorify You, sweet Jesus, through our jobs. Bless our careers with Your anointing. Amen.

Today, we pray for those struggling in their vocations

Lord Jesus, we pray today for Your children who are unhappy with the vocations they have chosen or been made to chose for their lives. May we be able to pray fervently and re-asses our choices – ministry, career, religious life, family status and singlehood. We also bring to you the people who have made us question our choice. We desire to glorify Your purpose and perfect Your will in our lives, Jesus. So help us have the courage to make bold changes or major corrections if required, before its too late. May it really be a calling and not...

Today, we pray for the judged

Lord Jesus, we bring to Your Cross those who are judged the harshest by each one of us, the Pharisees of today. The teen with the tattoo, the intruding relative, the sulky colleague, the temperamental boss, the whining elder, the insensitive partner, the friend who wounded, the alcoholic neighbour, the gossipy stranger and many more faces we meet daily…may we see them as You see them, holy and perfect creations in an imperfect world. Let us not judge, lest we be judged by You. Forgive and heal us, each time before we even think of lifting our fingers to point...