Category: Bible Reading & Meditation


“Come to Me… Your souls will find rest.” –Matthew 11:28, 29 Each year, Presentation Ministries discerns all prophecies received and summarizes them in a few sentences. Several years ago, the summary prophetic theme we discerned the Lord telling us was: “Come. Abide. Rest. Trust.” 1) Come. We cannot remain in the same place. We must continually move toward Jesus. We must come to Jesus, and to no one else, to nothing else (Mt 11:28). 2) Abide. Once we have come to Jesus, we must stay with Him. Jesus asks us to remain with Him (see Mt 26:38), and not gradually...


“No one knows the Son but the Father, and no one knows the Father but the Son – and anyone to whom the Son wishes to reveal Him.” –Matthew 11:27 Jesus came to reveal the Father to all people on this earth. He even taught us to pray first of all, “Father” (Mt 6:9). Jesus reveals the Father to anyone He wishes (Mt 11:27). Is there anyone to whom Jesus does not wish to reveal the Father? Since Jesus wants to reveal the Father to us, it obviously takes a hard heart and a closed mind to shut out Jesus’...


“I assure you, it will go easier for Sodom than for you on the day of judgment.” –Matthew 11:24 Yesterday, in the first Eucharistic reading, the Lord called us “princes of Sodom” and “people of Gomorrah” (Is 1:10). Today, He says we are worse than Sodom, for if the miracles we have received would have taken place in Sodom, it would have repented (Mt 11:23-24). The Lord is likely telling us that we have not yet repented according to His standards. We naturally tend to compare ourselves with others to make ourselves feel better or even superior. So, when the...


“I have come not to bring peace, but a sword.” –Matthew 10:34, RSV-CE Peace only fully comes when the kingdom of God is established. Peace starts and builds in one human heart at a time. Until then, there is conflict — internally within a person’s heart, and externally among people. There is resistance and a civil war (see Jas 4:1). Jesus says that He came not to bring peace but rather a sword (Mt 10:34, RSV-CE). What sword does Jesus bring? He brings the Word of God, the Sword of the Spirit (Heb 4:12-13; see also Eph 6:17). The Holy...


“… that primacy may be His in everything.” –Colossians 1:18 We should acknowledge Jesus as first in everything. When we wake up, the first word on our lips should be “Jesus.” Our first activity each day should be praying in the name of Jesus. Before talking to anyone else, we first talk to Him. Before we pick up the phone, answer the doorbell, or put the key in the ignition, Jesus comes first. Before turning on the TV, opening the refrigerator, or pressing a button, Jesus is first. Before we pay any other bills, we pay our tithe. Jesus has...