Lord Jesus, today we pray that Your power falls on us. May a heavy anointing of the Holy Spirit fall on each one of us – the young and the old, men and women and people from all walks of life. May the world come to see Your glory and the manifestation of it. May Your people come together in one Spirit to praise You as one church, one flock. May Your Spirit cleanse, heal and renew us all. Use us completely for You, Lord, after that. Amen.
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“The harvest is good but laborers are scarce.” –Matthew 9:37 Several billion people don’t know the Christ of Christmas. They don’t know He loves them so much that He died on the cross for them. They don’t know that He intends to raise them from the dead. There are so many people who have not heard the good news of Jesus, because so few are working to tell people about Jesus. Therefore: “Beg the harvest Master to send out laborers to gather His harvest” (Mt 9:38). Answer your own prayer by working in the harvest. Believe that Jesus has given...
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Lord Jesus, today we pray for the ones who are struggling for a square meal. Let the rich share their supplies with the poor. May every human have food on the table and money for their needs. A special prayer for the hungry mouths of the world this day, this moment. Give us all our daily bread, Lord. Amen.
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Jesus “touched their eyes and said, ‘Because of your faith it shall be done to you’; and they recovered their sight.” –Matthew 9:29-30 The Church prepares us for Christ’s Christmas coming by proclaiming Jesus healing the blind (see also Is 29:18; 35:5). This applies not only to the physically blind, but especially to the spiritually blind, who have been blinded by the darkness of sin (see 1 Jn 2:11) and “the god of the present age” (see 2 Cor 4:4). The cause of spiritual blindness is sin, and we are freed from spiritual blindness by repentance. When we sin, it...
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Lord Jesus, today we bring to You people who have requested our prayer support. The friend, the member of the family, the acquaintance, the colleague, the neighbour and the stranger – we bring them all to the foot of Y our cross today, seeking that Your mighty Holy Spirit will touch them, heal their hearts and refresh their spirits. Answer their needs today, whatever they may be, Oh Jesus. May no prayer return unanswered. Bless them and their own. Thank You for giving us an opportunity to intercede for them. Amen.
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