“Anyone committed to the truth hears My voice.” –John 18:37
Audio PlayerDecades ago, our young family gathered with several other young Catholic families and their small children in one family’s large log cabin. It was a pleasant party until I happened to notice the host and another young father sitting in a far corner pulling out a recreational drug. They pulled out a cigarette lighter and flicked it into flame. Immediately in my mind, the verse reverberated over and over: “My kingdom does not belong to this world” (Jn 18:36). I knew we had to live as subjects of Jesus the King, at all times, in all occasions. Quickly, I gathered up my family and we left the party to return home.
There is a battle raging between two kingdoms. The kingdom of darkness, led by Satan, the ruler of this age (2 Cor 4:4), and the Kingdom of God, led by King Jesus, “Ruler of the kings of earth” (Rv 1:5), battle constantly for our loyalty. There is no neutral ground in this battle. We cannot serve two masters (see Mt 6:24). We can give our loyalty to only one of the kingdoms. We either live as obedient, loving subjects of Christ the King or we rebel against Him. King Jesus embraced lowliness. If we are truly His obedient, loving subjects, we must do the same.
PRAYER: All hail, King Jesus! “Your kingdom come” (Mt 6:10). I will seek first Your kingdom (Mt 6:33) every moment of my life.
PROMISE: “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the One Who is and Who was and Who is to come, the Almighty!” –Rv 1:8
PRAISE: Praise Jesus, the Lamb Who sits upon the throne!