“They proclaimed the word of God.” –Acts 13:5

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Because we love God’s Word, we are thrilled that “the word of the Lord continued to spread and increase” (Acts 12:24; see also Acts 6:7; 19:20).

Because God’s Word is sweeter than honey (see Ps 119:103), we devour it. It becomes the joy and the happiness of our hearts (Jer 15:16).

Because God’s Word is “more precious than thousands of gold and silver pieces” (Ps 119:72), we are willing to leave anything, go anywhere, and risk everything to proclaim the gospel.

Because God’s Word will judge us on the last day (Jn 12:48), we are carefully and joyfully obeying even the smallest part of a letter of His Law (see Mt 5:18).

Because we love the Word of the Lord, we desire and attempt to hear the risen Lord proclaim His Word each day at Mass. We live that precious, life-giving, life-saving Word. We share the light of His eucharistic Word by putting it on the lampstand of our lives (Lk 8:16).

Because we love God’s Word, we offer you this book, One Bread, One Body. Use it to grow in love for the Lord and His Word. Use it to devour God’s Word and to proclaim it to as many people as possible.

“The word of the Lord continued to spread and increase” (Acts 12:24).

PRAYER: Risen Lord, burn and purify my heart through Your Word (Lk 24:32).

PROMISE: “Since I know that His commandment means eternal life, whatever I say is spoken just as He instructed Me.” –Jn 12:50

PRAISE: St. Catherine received the stigmata – the wounds of Jesus in her hands, feet, and heart. Within a few years, she had succeeded in uniting a divided Church. She died to herself to gather God’s children together (see Jn 11:51-52).

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