“Once His brothers had gone up to the festival He too went up, but as if in secret and not for all to see.” –John 7:10
Audio PlayerTwo weeks from today will be Good Friday, and we will be in the midst of the Triduum, the three most holy days of the year. We are on the threshold of the glorious Easter season. Jesus will be going up to the festival of His Resurrection, “but as if in secret and not for all to see” (Jn 7:10). At His Resurrection, He was “completely changed in appearance” (Mk 16:12) and few recognized Him. This is common for Jesus, for few people recognized Him at His birth in a stable (see Lk 2:7), in His public ministry (see Jn 1:31), and in His saving death (see Mt 27:39ff). Today, too few people recognize the Body and Blood of the eucharistic Jesus.
However, we will see, hear, and touch Jesus this Easter season if we are committed to Him (see Jn 18:37). “He is found by those who test Him not, and He manifests Himself to those who do not disbelieve Him” (Wis 1:2). “You shall seek the Lord, your God; and you shall indeed find Him when you search after Him with your whole heart and your whole soul” (Dt 4:29; see also Jer 29:13-14).
Fifteen days from now, at the Easter Vigil, make a total, deep commitment of your life to God by renewing your baptismal promises. Then you will see Jesus in a life-changing way this Easter season.
PRAYER: Father, I want to see Jesus.
PROMISE: “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; and those who are crushed in spirit He saves.” –Ps 34:19
PRAISE: Joseph, a young man of nineteen, refrained from eating meat the entire forty days of Lent in order to draw closer to the Lord.