“Be stouthearted, and wait for the Lord.” –Psalm 27:14

If you have a weakness in your faith life, the pivotal events of Holy Week will serve to bring that flaw to the surface. Holy Week is like a refiner’s fire (Mal 3:2-3) that burns away impurities and melts down imperfections. It is a test of our faith, a trial by fire (1 Pt 1:6-7; Sir 2:5).

The critical action in Holy Week is to turn to the Lord for aid, and not turn to anyone else. Judas Iscariot spent Holy Week with Jesus physically, but his heart and mind were elsewhere. Judas spent Holy Week making deals with Jesus’ opponents and “looking for an opportunity to hand [Jesus] over” (Mt 26:16). The other apostles were tried and failed their tests, but they did turn to Jesus and tried their best to persevere.

Jesus knows we are weak; that’s why He gave us His Body and Blood during Holy Week. This Holy Week, fall on your knees before the Lord. Tell Him that you want His will to be done. Remain with Jesus throughout the trials of Holy Week. Will you let Jesus take you through the cross to the resurrection into a new, victorious life in His freedom? “No test has been sent you that does not come to all men. Besides, God keeps His promise. He will not let you be tested beyond your strength. Along with the test He will give you a way out of it so that you may be able to endure it” (1 Cor 10:13).

PRAYER: Jesus, I am weak, but You are strong. Keep me near You and near Your cross.
PROMISE: “I have grasped you by the hand.” –Is 42:6
PRAISE: Keeping a prayer journal prevents Ricardo from forgetting all God has done for him.

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