“If this is the way You will deal with me, then please do me the favor of killing me at once, so that I need no longer face this distress.” –Numbers 11:15
Audio PlayerThe Israelites were willing to give up their freedom because they felt that the Egyptian food was tastier than God’s miraculous manna (Nm 11:4ff).
Moses was willing to give up living rather than carry the burden of a complaining people (Nm 11:15).
Esau gave up his birthright rather than be hungry a few minutes longer (Gn 25:30ff).
Demas gave up loving and serving the Lord in favor of living in the world (2 Tm 4:10).
Some people lose their souls forever to gain the whole world (Lk 9:25), or even a little part of it.
What’s your price? What will it take for you to give up your freedom, life, birthright, love, or salvation? Will you give up Jesus for money, sexual pleasure, popularity, comfort, power, or relief from pain? Will you take a bribe?
Alternatively, is God’s Word more precious to you “than thousands of gold and silver pieces”? (Ps 119:72) Is God’s kingdom the precious pearl you would never part with for any price? (Mt 13:44-46) Would you prefer to die for Jesus rather then live without Him?
Hold on to Jesus forever – no matter what (see Ps 91:14).
PRAYER: Father, I give everything to You. Multiply the fruitfulness of my life.
PROMISE: “If only My people would hear Me, and Israel walk in My ways, quickly would I humble their enemies; against their foes I would turn My hand.” –Ps 81:14-15
PRAISE: Gloria puts her faith into practice by relying on her Lord to provide her needs, not on her savings account.