“The words, ‘It was credited to him,’ were not written with [Abraham] alone in view; they were intended for us too. For our faith will be credited to us also if we believe in Him Who raised Jesus our Lord from the dead.” –Romans 4:23-24

Mass Readings: October 23
First: Romans 4:20-25; Resp: Luke 1:69-75; Gospel: Luke 12:13-21

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The patriarch Abraham believed God in a very difficult matter. “Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him” as righteousness (Rm 4:3, 22; see also Gn 15:6).

Many are focused on improving their credit score. Without a good credit score, it can be very difficult to get a loan, rent an apartment, or do basic things to make a living. Many people pay very close attention to their credit rating. They worry about it and change their lives in order to improve their credit score.

The man in today’s Gospel reading who had a good harvest would have had a high credit score. He had provisions in store for years to come (Lk 12:19). Yet all his treasures existed for himself, not for God. When he died that same evening, his high worldly credit score suddenly meant nothing for his eternal future.

Deposit your treasures in heaven, not on earth (Mt 6:19-20). That is where your true treasure should lie. Set your hearts, and credit rating, on the Lord above (Col 3:1-2). God does not keep score, and we cannot earn points to curry His favor. But He does credit our obedient faith to us (Rm 4:23-24). So seek to have the faith of Abraham. Believe God for all things and at all times.

PRAYER: “Lord, ‘increase our faith’ ” (Lk 17:5). Give me obedient, water-walking faith.
PROMISE: “He has dealt mercifully with our fathers and remembered the holy covenant He made.” –Lk 1:72
PRAISE: St. John, governor of Perugia, was taken prisoner in a war. Jesus touched his heart and, after he was released from prison, John gave his life to Jesus and became a priest. Many were converted through John’s preaching.

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