“Do you want us to go out and pull them up?” –Matthew 13:28
Audio PlayerThe farmer in Jesus’ parable of the wheat and weeds says something I’ve never heard a farmer or gardener say before. He says that you shouldn’t pull up the weeds because “you might take the wheat along with them” (Mt 13:29). It seems that Jesus’ wheat and weeds are much more intertwined than those of other people. This is a scary thought. It’s bad enough to put up with the weeds much less having to be closely connected to them.
Jesus doesn’t want us intertwined with the values, priorities, morality, idolatry, and selfishness of the weeds. Jesus has chosen us out of the world (Jn 15:19). However, Jesus does want us intertwined with the weeds through love, forgiveness, evangelization, service, and mercy. Our hearts go out to the weeds, and in this way we are intertwined with them. It should be the desire of our hearts that the weeds turn to Jesus in repentance and faith. Then Jesus will transform the weeds into wheat. We are even willing to suffer [for the weeds and] because of the weeds to motivate them to let Jesus make them wheat. We will accept a lifetime of suffering if only the weeds turn into wheat before the ultimate weeding, the end of the world (see Mt 13:30).
PRAYER: Father, give me the grace so that the more I love the sinner, the more I hate the sin.
PROMISE: “I too see what is being done, says the Lord.” –Jer 7:11
PRAISE: St. Bridget’s piety and charity blessed many. She was blessed to mother eight natural children, one of whom became a canonized saint.
Daily Word of God (விவிலிய முழக்கம்) – Today’s Reading and Message in Tamil (Audio) :
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