Jesus “got into the boat and his disciples followed Him.” –Matthew 8:23

Mass Readings: July 4
First: Isaiah 58:6-11; Resp: Psalm 107:2-9; Gospel: Matthew 25:31-46

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After the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus decided to take the disciples on a tour with Him. It was a healing, miracle, and deliverance tour. The disciples saw a leper cleansed, the centurion’s servant healed of paralysis, Peter’s mother-in-law healed of a fever, a storm stopped, two men delivered from demons, a paralytic cured, the daughter of Jairus raised from the dead, a woman having hemorrhaged for twelve years cured, two blind men given sight, and a mute delivered of a demon and enabled to speak (Mt 8:1–9:34). What a tour!

The disciples were sightseers on this tour. At its conclusion, Jesus asked His disciples to pray for tour guides, that is, workers for the harvest (Mt 9:38). They became the answer to their own prayers and were given the authority to do what they had just seen Jesus do.

Jesus has given us “authority to expel unclean spirits and to cure sickness and disease of every kind” (Mt 10:1). Yet most Christians don’t believe Him. We should first go on tour with Jesus and see His mighty works. Then we will believe His promises. Jesus is arranging a miracle, healing, and deliverance tour. Obey Him. Come, see, conquer.

PRAYER: Jesus, give me a series of personal experiences of Your almighty power and love.
PROMISE: “You have already thought enough of Your servant to do me the great kindness of intervening to save my life.” –Gn 19:19
PRAISE: Theresa begins each day by reading God’s Word.

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