Today, we pray for those struggling with their weight
Lord Jesus, today we pray for the obese and the underweight. Lord, correct our metabolism and bring restoration and balance to our bodies. Cover us with Your love when we struggle with low self image. Help us chose food that brings energy and vitality to our bodies, clarity to our minds. Let us treat our bodies with respect and care, as true temples of the Holy Ghost. Give us energy and enthusiasm to find efficient exercise regimes and stay committed to those. Lord, give us victory in this battle for good health. Most of all, Lord, give us the wisdom to put You first in our lives, not our own bodies. Amen.
Collect: Pour into our hearts O Lord, we pray, the Holy Spirit, at whose prompting the Deacon Saint Ephrem exulted in singing of your mysteries and from whom he received the strength to serve you alone. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.