“Is it time for you to dwell in your own paneled houses, while this house lies in ruins?” –Haggai 1:4
Audio PlayerTiming is of the essence. “This people says: ‘Not now has the time come to rebuild the house of the Lord’ ” (Hg 1:2). They thought it was time to dwell in their own paneled houses while God’s house was in ruins. The prophet Haggai disagreed and prophesied: “Now is the acceptable time” (see 2 Cor 6:2). Now was the time to rebuild the Temple.
The people’s timing was bad because they had their priorities wrong. Their priorities were wrong because they were living in selfishness rather than in love. They were living in the self-deception of selfishness rather than in the reality of God Who is Love (see 1 Jn 4:8, 16).
Haggai pointed out that bad timing and wrong priorities are recognizable by our being deprived and dissatisfied sometimes even to the point of emptiness (Hg 1:6). Are you, your marriage, family, or job showing signs of bad timing and wrong priorities? If so, repent of sin and decide to love the Lord with all your heart (see Mt 22:37). Then time will be your friend, not your enemy. Accept Jesus as Lord of your life and time.
PRAYER: Father, may I do Your will exactly when You want it done.
PROMISE: “The Lord loves His people, and He adorns the lowly with victory.” –Ps 149:4
PRAISE: Theresa builds up the Body of Christ by home-schooling her children and raising them as young Christian warriors to live for God.