“My solemn word is this: I am the Sheepgate.” –John 10:7
Audio PlayerJesus is not only the Good Shepherd (Jn 10:11); He is also the Lamb of God (Jn 1:29) and even the Sheepgate. Don’t let anyone enter your life, family, or community except through Jesus. For example, don’t marry anyone who tries to enter your life through mere friendship or sexual attraction. Don’t let people into your life just because of business or money. TV personalities, athletes, and entertainers have a major influence in millions of people’s lives, but they probably have not entered through the Sheepgate, Jesus. “Whoever does not enter the sheepfold through the gate but climbs in some other way is a thief and a marauder” (Jn 10:1).
Not only are others trying to enter our lives, but we are entering their lives and worlds. Jesus promises: “I am the Gate. Whoever enters through Me will be safe. He will go in and out, and find pasture” (Jn 10:9). Whatever you get into, make sure it’s Jesus’ idea. Live in, with, and through Jesus. Then you will be safe rather than hurt, fed rather than drained. If we enter things through our pride, desires, intellect, or selfishness, we will be ripped off, slaughtered, and destroyed (Jn 10:10). If we make Jesus our only Gate, our only Way (Jn 14:6), we will have the fullness of life (Jn 10:10). Jesus is the Through-Way.
PRAYER: Father, I pray to You through the Son and in the Spirit.
PROMISE: “When they heard this they…began to glorify God in these words: ‘If this be so, then God has granted life-giving repentance even to the Gentiles.’ ” –Acts 11:18
PRAISE: Imitating her beloved Blessed Mother, Sandra forgave the drunk driver who killed her son.