Jesus “touched their eyes and said, ‘Because of your faith it shall be done to you’; and they recovered their sight.” –Matthew 9:29-30

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The Church prepares us for Christ’s Christmas coming by proclaiming Jesus healing the blind (see also Is 29:18; 35:5). This applies not only to the physically blind, but especially to the spiritually blind, who have been blinded by the darkness of sin (see 1 Jn 2:11) and “the god of the present age” (see 2 Cor 4:4). The cause of spiritual blindness is sin, and we are freed from spiritual blindness by repentance. When we sin, it is as if we take a knife and stab our eyes with it (see Is 29:9). When we repent and go to Confession, it is like having an operation in which our sight is restored.

The physically blind will be able to see Christ this Christmas through the eyes of faith, but the spiritually blind cannot have a true Christmas because they cannot see the Christ of Christmas. Spiritual blindness is an especially pathetic condition not only because we are blinded to Christ and Christmas, but because we are even blinded to our blindness. Only through an intervention by Jesus our Savior can we see our blindness and ask for help. Call out to Jesus: “I want to see” (Mk 10:51). Jesus will heal us and give us the Christmas present that makes it possible for us to have Christmas.

PRAYER: Father, may I see Jesus present in Holy Communion so that I will desire to receive Him in Mass daily.

PROMISE: “Those who err in spirit shall acquire understanding.” –Is 29:24

PRAISE: Max, though physically blind and fearful, accepted Jesus as his Savior on his deathbed.

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