“This Child is destined to be the downfall and the rise of many in Israel, a sign that will be opposed — and you yourself shall be pierced with a sword.” —Luke 2:34-35

This feast of Our Lady of Sorrows will be one of the greatest days in our lives if we simply obey the Lord. However, obedience is very difficult for us humans because of the world, our fallen human nature, and the devil. Nevertheless, we can, like Jesus, learn obedience from what we suffer (Heb 5:8), if we suffer in the pattern of Jesus’ death (Phil 3:10). With Mary, we must be “near the cross” (Jn 19:25). Then we will obey as Jesus obeyed — even to death on the cross (Phil 2:8). Through this obedience, we will be exalted with Jesus (see Phil 2:9), and today will not be the worst missed opportunity of our lifetimes. Rather, it will be a time of unprecedented justice, freedom, and love.

We’ve lived long enough in this culture of death. It’s time to learn obedience and to build a new civilization of love and life. Mary, Sorrowful Mother, help us learn obedience through suffering.

Prayer: Father, heal me of unnecessary suffering and give me the wisdom and grace to suffer redemptively.

Promise: “Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures.” —1 Cor 15:3

Praise: “My soul weeps for sorrow; strengthen me according to Your words” (Ps 119:28). Our Lady of Sorrows, pray for us.

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