“I have swallowed up my enemies; I rejoice in my victory.” –1 Samuel 2:1
Audio PlayerHannah prophesied that the bows of the mighty would be broken (1 Sm 2:4) and that the Lord would lift up the poor to be seated with nobles (1 Sm 2:8). Hannah does not explicitly prophesy the downfall of the powerful but only the empowerment of the poor.
Mary’s prophecy in today’s Gospel reading is much more revolutionary. She proclaimed that the proud would be confused and the mighty deposed from their thrones (Lk 1:51-52). In Mary’s prophecy, the lowly will not join the powerful but displace them. Mary’s prophecy was fulfilled in her Son, Jesus.
Herod understood the meaning of Christmas much better than most people. Herod realized that the birth of Jesus would be his own downfall (Lk 2:34), so he tried to kill Jesus (Mt 2:16).
Christmas is revolutionary. Christmas is colored with the blood-red of martyrdom. Christmas is an attack on the world, the flesh, and the devil.
Join Jesus’ army. Live and die for His kingdom. Join the Christmas-revolution.
PRAYER: Father, I repent of sin and rejoin the forces of Your revolution.
PROMISE: “The hungry He has given every good thing, while the rich He has sent empty away.” –Lk 1:53
PRAISE: “O King of all the nations, the only Joy of every human heart; O Keystone of the mighty arch of man, come and save the creature You fashioned from the dust.”