“She concealed him from Athaliah, and so he did not die.” –2 Kings 11:2
Audio PlayerThe queen mother, Athaliah, killed off the whole royal family, with the exception of one infant, Joash (2 Kgs 11:1-2). Seven years later, Joash and the priest, Jehoiada, were the central figures in overturning the wicked, idolatrous reign of Athaliah.
This pattern is often repeated throughout God’s plan of salvation. An evil system dominates society and destroys so many people that only a few believers survive. Eventually, though, this remnant, by God’s power, overturns the forces of evil.
Right now, new Athaliahs are killing off God’s royal family. In the USA, one out of three babies in the womb are slaughtered before birth. Many who escape the womb are emotionally and spiritually destroyed by abuse and neglect. Many more become “spiritually brain-dead” after carelessly exposing themselves to the brainwashing from our secular society. They lose their minds, hearts, freedom, and objectivity. Nonetheless, a few Joashes make it through the mine-field of abortion, abuse, neglect, secularization, and brainwashing. The Lord will raise up these people to bring down the strongholds of the evil one (see 2 Cor 10:4) and lead the world to Christ.
PRAYER: Father, may I escape to return in victory.
PROMISE: “Make it your practice instead to store up heavenly treasure, which neither moths nor rust corrode nor thieves break in and steal.” –Mt 6:20
PRAISE: Although feeling alone and afraid, Gladys kept her baby girl until she could be sure she would be adopted. She trusted the Lord to protect both her and her child.