Jesus “watched two brothers, Simon now known as Peter, and his brother Andrew.” –Matthew 4:18
Mass Readings: November 30
First: Romans 10:9-18; Resp: Psalm 19:8-11; Gospel: Matthew 4:18-22
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Audio PlayerAndrew was one of the first two disciples to follow Jesus (Jn 1:40). Andrew even led his brother, Simon Peter, to Jesus (Jn 1:41). Andrew, with Peter, James, and John, was called by Jesus to become a fisher of men (Mt 4:19).
However, Andrew’s prominence did not continue. Jesus did not include Andrew in His inner circle of apostles. Only Peter, James, and John were included at the raising of Jairus’ daughter from the dead (Mk 5:37), the Transfiguration (Mk 9:2), and the agony in the garden of Gethsemani (Mt 26:37). Andrew was conspicuously not invited.
What do you do when you’re number four in a threesome, the fourth leg for a tripod, or the fourth “member” of a trio? Most people respond to being left out by jealousy, unforgiveness, and/or self-pity. Andrew responded by persevering in his original commitment. He continued to abandon everything to be a fisher of men. He became the “designated evangelist” among the apostles. When several Greeks asked Philip to take them to Jesus, Philip took them to Andrew to take them to Jesus (Jn 12:21-22).
When you’re left out, reach out. Share your love for Jesus, Who has been left out and rejected throughout His life on earth, even to the present day. He was rejected – from His birth in a manger to His death on a cross. When Jesus was and is left out, He reaches out to us in love. Be like Jesus.
PRAYER: Father, may I not have pity parties but Jesus-parties.
PROMISE: “If you confess with your lips that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.” –Rm 10:9
PRAISE: St. Andrew preached the gospel northeast and east of the Black Sea.