“Anyone who sees his brother sinning, if the sin is not deadly, should petition God, and thus life will be given to the sinner.” –1 John 5:16

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Many have not had Christmas because they have not repented of sin in their lives. We should petition the Lord for sinners and life will be given to them. Through the Lord’s forgiveness, they will be given Christmas just before the season ends. The devil grinch thought he had robbed them of Christmas. However, by prayer, we rob the robber and give many people another opportunity for Christmas.

On this second last day of the Christmas season, go to Confession and invite others to join you. For so many, Confession is the key to Christmas. Many people are spiritually still in Advent. They need to obey John the Baptizer’s call and be baptized in repentance (Lk 3:3). We are called to be ministers of reconciliation, to encourage others to get the specks out of their eyes, after we have removed the planks from ours (Mt 7:5). The Lord has “entrusted the message of reconciliation to us. This makes us ambassadors for Christ, God as it were appealing through us. We implore you, in Christ’s name: be reconciled to God” (2 Cor 5:19-20).

Tomorrow, on the last day of the Christmas season, let’s help others have their first day of Christmas by going down together into the waters of the Jordan and repenting of our sins.

PRAYER: Father, give us a full Christmas even if we start Christmas on the last day of the season (Mt 20:14).

PROMISE: “He must increase, while I must decrease.” –Jn 3:30

PRAISE: Having repented of living a wild life “on the road,” Joseph received God’s mercy and became an instrument of evangelization as his job took him from place to place.

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