Jesus “went up the mountain and summoned the men He Himself had decided on, who came and joined Him.” –Mark 3:13

Mass Readings: January 20
First: Hebrews 8:6-13; Resp: Psalm 85:8,10-14;Gospel: Mark 3:13-19

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In the USA, in a few days will be the forty-fourth anniversary of the Supreme Court’s legalization of abortion. This decision legalized millions of serial killings. It is a gigantic step backward into the culture of death. It is a capitulation to Hitler and the Third Reich. Hitler lost World War II militarily, but his diabolical ideas reign supreme today in our culture of death.

However, there is hope, because there is Jesus. Jesus, the Way, the Truth, and the Life (Jn 14:6), has already conquered death. We must commit ourselves to the “new covenant” of Jesus (see Heb 8:8; Jer 31:31ff). We must live our Baptisms as fully active members of the body of Christ, the Church. We are members of the Church that has been given the “authority to expel demons” and to “preach the good news” of Jesus (Mk 3:14-15). By obedience to the Lord – especially to His call to pray and fast (Mt 17:21) – we will drive out the demons of abortion and displace our culture of death with a civilization of love and life. There is hope in Jesus and only in Jesus.

PRAYER: Father, may I die to save lives and to lead others to You.
PROMISE: “Truth shall spring out of the earth, and justice shall look down from heaven.” –Ps 85:12
PRAISE: St. Sebastian had a ministry of encouraging martyrs to persevere to the end. He gave witness to his preaching by giving his own life for Jesus.

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