“We are in the One Who is true, for we are in His Son Jesus Christ. He is the true God and eternal life.” –1 John 5:20

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On this second last day of the Christmas season, it is good to ask ourselves: “Are we having a good Christmas season, a good year, and a good century?” Whether something is good does not depend on our getting our way but on God getting His way, and whether we do God’s will depends on our loving God. Moreover, to love God we must know God, especially His saving death and glorious Resurrection.

To know God and therefore to be in a position to love God and do His will, we need also to be increasingly aware of God’s presence and His dwelling in us and our dwelling in Him. As many holy people have taught, we must practice the awareness of the presence of God, of our dwelling in Him, and of His dwelling in us. Living in His presence and in Him, we will love Him, do His will, and have a good Christmas, year, millennium, day, and life.

God is. God is with us (Mt 1:23). He is in us who have been baptized into Him (Rm 6:3). Know His presence and love Him. Do His will. Have a good day forever!

PRAYER: Abba, You are Love. I live in You and You in me (1 Jn 4:16).

PROMISE: “The groom’s best man waits there listening for him and is overjoyed to hear his voice. That is my joy, and it is complete. He must increase, while I must decrease.” –Jn 3:29-30

PRAISE: George stopped watching football on TV and instead spent that time with his wife and children. Now his family prays together daily.

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