“Abel, for his part, brought one of the best firstlings of his flock.” –Genesis 4:4
Audio PlayerBoth Cain and Abel brought offerings to the Lord. God accepted Abel and his offering, but He did not look with favor on Cain and his offering. Although we don’t know the details of this event, Scripture does provide us with a clue into what God looks for in a sacrifice. Abel brought to the Lord his “best” (Gn 4:4). Cain simply brought “an offering” (Gn 4:3).
The Lord repeatedly emphasizes offering the best we have, without blemish (see Lv 1:10). What we give to the Lord should be as perfect as we are capable of making it. The prophet Malachi bluntly accused priests who offered tarnished sacrifices of despising the Lord (Mal 1:6ff). These priests kept the best lambs for their own meals, and burned the weak, blind, and lame ones as offerings to the Lord, in opposition to the command of the law of Moses. Malachi says to those who offered these half-hearted, self-seeking sacrifices: “Present it to your governor; see if he will accept it, or welcome you” (Mal 1:8).
Would our boss be happy to receive the same quality we give to the Lord, Who created our boss? Do we give our best time to our jobs, recreation, TV, and friends, and then give God the leftovers? Give the Lord your best, and He will multiply the rest (see Mal 3:10).
PRAYER: Father, I give You my life, my energies, my entire will.
PROMISE: “If you do well, you can hold up your head; but if not, sin is a demon lurking at the door: his urge is toward you, yet you can be his master.” –Gn 4:7
PRAISE: Louise greets each dawn with praise. She obeys the psalm: “From the rising to the setting of the sun is the name of the Lord to be praised” (Ps 113:3).