“Such was the vision of the likeness of the glory of the Lord.” –Ezekiel 1:28

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Ezekiel experienced an overwhelmingly awesome vision of the Lord. In this vision, God called Ezekiel to prophesy to the hardened, yet endangered Israelites. The king, Jehoiachin, was already in exile, and the people would soon suffer the same fate.

In Ezekiel chapters 2 and 3, the Lord sends Ezekiel to speak His prophetic words of warning to “rebels…hard of face and obstinate of heart” who “will refuse to listen to” Ezekiel (Ez 2:3, 4; 3:7). God tells Ezekiel several times to not be afraid and to speak all His words to this stubborn people. Instead of being discouraged, Ezekiel was “spiritually stirred, while the hand of the Lord rested heavily upon” him (Ez 3:14).

If you received the Eucharist yesterday, you’ve seen the Lord – in a way far superior to Ezekiel’s vision. God called Isaiah and Ezekiel to prophesy in the midst of great visions. Likewise, God is calling you in the midst of your vision of Him. Some of you are called to be priests, others religious, others to the lay single vocation, and many others to be faithful husbands and wives.

All are called to be prophets to a hardened, yet endangered, age and culture no less obstinate than Ezekiel’s. “Fear them not, nor be dismayed at their looks” (Ez 3:9), for God will make you stronger than they (see Ez 3:8-9; Jer 1:17-19). Accept your calling and vocation from the Lord. Speak His prophetic words. You are more than a conqueror in Jesus (Rm 8:37).

PRAYER: Father, I will open wide my mouth so You can fill it with Your words (Ps 81:11). Use me to break open the hardest hearts.

PROMISE: “He will be raised up on the third day.” –Mt 17:23

PRAISE: As he lay dying, St. Dominic exhorted his followers “to have charity, to guard their humility, and to make their treasure out of poverty.”

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