“Come, let us deal shrewdly with them to stop their increase.” –Exodus 1:10
Audio PlayerWe live in a modern-day Egypt. Many groups conspire to stop our increase: doctors, nurses, therapists, talk show hosts, magazine authors, government agencies, groups such as Planned Parenthood, friends, coworkers, and acquaintances. At the head of this conspiracy is Satan, who is still dealing shrewdly with God’s people to keep children from being conceived, birthed, and raised to healthy Christian maturity. Shrewd remarks and putdowns may stop increases as effectively as artificial contraception, abortion, and sterilization.
Satan has used his pawns to shrewdly attempt to take control of human sexuality and reproduction and get Jesus expelled from this crucial arena. Once again, Satan, “the prince of death” (Heb 2:14), is trying to get people to crucify Jesus, “the Author of Life” (Acts 3:15), and keep Life out of the bedroom.
We need new Daniels to speak out against this corruption (Dn 13:45ff), new Johns to boldly confront sexual immorality (Mk 6:18), and new Pauls to call society to purity and holiness (1 Tm 4:12). We need people to love Jesus more than anyone or anything (Mt 10:37). We need to use the weapons of prayer and fasting to destroy Satan’s strongholds in the bedroom (2 Cor 10:4-5). Rescue those held in Satan’s snare (Ps 124:7). Offer your body to Jesus as a weapon for righteousness (Rm 6:13).
PRAYER: Jesus, I will spend my life proclaiming You as Lord with my words and by my lifestyle.
PROMISE: “He who brings himself to nought for Me discovers who he is.” –Mt 10:39
PRAISE: St. Henry, a holy ruler, used his power to restore stability and prosperity to the Church.