Tagged: verse of the day

Today’s Promise : Ask Me for wisdom and I will generously give it to you

James 1:5 (WEB) But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach; and it will be given to him. Promise #112: Ask Me for wisdom and I will generously give it to you. God loves it when we ask Him for things we need. In Matthew 7:7-11, Jesus encourages us to keep on asking, keep on seeking, keep on knocking and our Heavenly Father will give us what we need. In today’s promise, we read that we can ask God for wisdom and He is glad to give it...

Today’s Promise : I have chosen the poor to be rich in faith and heirs of My kingdom

James 2:5 (WEB) Listen, my beloved brothers. Didn’t God choose those who are poor in this world to be rich in faith, and heirs of the Kingdom which he promised to those who love him? Promise #111: I have chosen the poor to be rich in faith and heirs of My kingdom. The gospel is good news for the poor. Jesus told us in Matthew 5 that blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of God (Matthew 5:3). In today’s Scripture, James is reminding us that God has chosen the poor of this world to be...

Today’s Promise : I do not show favortism in My family

Ephesians 6:9 (WEB) You masters, do the same things to them, and give up threatening, knowing that he who is both their Master and yours is in heaven, and there is no partiality with him. Promise #110: I do not show favortism in My family. In today’s Scripture verse, Paul the Apostle is giving instruction to the Church on how masters should treat their servants. He reminds them that they also have a Master in heaven who doesn’t show favortism so we should be careful not to mistreat those who are under our own supervision either. Ephesians 6:9 in the...

Today’s Promise : My gentleness will enlarge your life

2 Samuel 22:36 (WEB) You have also given me the shield of your salvation. Your gentleness has made me great. Promise #109: My gentleness will enlarge your life. In today’s Scripture verse, King David is making a declaration that God’s gentleness has made him great. The Hebrew word for ‘great’ is pronounced ‘rabah’ and means to increase, excel, abundance, enlarge, etc. David acknowledged that it was the kindness and gentleness of God that was the reason for the expansion in his life which led to his greatness. It is God’s love for us that makes us great. Not our own...

Today’s Promise : You can trust in Me, for I am your strength and your song

Isaiah 12:2 (WEB) Behold, God is my salvation. I will trust, and will not be afraid; for Yah, Yahweh, is my strength and song; and he has become my salvation.” Promise #108: You can trust in Me, for I am your strength and your song. God loves it when we trust Him. Trusting God is truly committing our lives into His care and not trying to manage life all on our own. In Proverbs 3:5-6, we are encouraged to trust in the Lord with all our heart and to not lean to our own understanding. God wants us to lean...