“Everyone will be salted with fire.” –Mark 9:49 Mass Readings: February 23 First: Isaiah 1:10,16-20;Resp: Psalm 50:8-9,16-17,21,23;Gospel: Matthew 23:1-12 Jesus says that you and I “will be salted with fire” (Mk 9:49). The scriptural uses for salt reveal several possible meanings: Salt was used to seal a covenant (2 Chr 13:5; Lv 2:13). We need to continually be sprinkled with the salt of the purifying, refining fire of repentance (Mal 3:2-3) to be faithful to our baptismal covenant with the Lord. Incense was “to be salted and so kept pure and sacred” (Ex 30:35). Incense represents our prayers (Rv 5:8;...