Tagged: stories

Trust in God

A tight rope walker balances high above the heads of spectators at dizzying heights, strung between church steeple and town hall. It was a long, dangerous length. As soon as the artist achieved his goal, the masses applaud enthusiastically, and demanded an encore. “Do you think that I can manage to make it back over the dangerous rope?” he shouted to the spectators. “But of course, of course” they shouted back. So the man balanced once more on the dizzying rope. As he reached the end , the crowds clapped and stamped, and again shouted enthusiastically “Encore Encore!”. And so...


In 1883, a creative engineer named John Roebling was inspired by an idea to build a spectacular bridge connecting New York with the Long Island. However bridge building experts throughout the world thought that this was an impossible feat and told Roebling to forget the idea. It just could not be done. It was not practical. It had never been done before. Roebling could not ignore the vision he had in his mind of this bridge. He thought about it all the time and he knew deep in his heart that it could be done. He just had to share...

Let Jesus Hold Our Hand

Let Jesus Hold Our Hands A little girl and her father were crossing a bridge. The father was kind of scared so he asked his little daughter, “Sweetheart, please hold my hand so that you don’t fall into the river.” The little girl said, “No, Dad. You hold my hand.” “What’s the difference?” Asked the puzzled father. “There’s a big difference,” replied the little girl. “If I hold your hand and something happens to me, chances are that I may let your hand go. But if you hold my hand, I know for sure that no matter what happens, you...