Tagged: Prayer in English

Today, we pray for the strangers we meet

Lord Jesus, today we bring to You those who we bump into during our daily walk. The men, women and children we do not know, but who are all opportunities You provide for us to share Your love. May each person we meet, see Christ in us. May Your Holy Spirit radiate and touch the lives of everyone we meet. Touch and heal them; and through the love we give, heal us all too, sweetest Lord Jesus. Amen. Collect: God our Father, who by sending into the world the Word of truth and the Spirit of sanctification made known to...

Today, we pray for those who have been betrayed

Lord Jesus, we bring to You those of us who have faced the deepest stab of all – betrayal by a loved one. Lord, You faced rejection and wounds from Your own. We bring to You our own pain, the ceaseless ache caused by the cut from a friend or relative. God, when people who promised to be around don’t stick by, when spouses cheat, when friends gossip or backstab us, and parents, siblings or children reject us, be our comfort. Forgive them cos they do not know what they are doing. Have mercy on us all. Amen. Collect: Grant...

Today, we pray for those labelled bad

Lord Jesus, You are all about love, mercy and justice. When the world brands a person as a black sheep, please hold his or her hand. The moment when one of us is labelled something evil, may Your angels rush to our aid. To lift us up and to give us grace and courage. May we able to bear the insults better, knowing that the world did the same to You years ago. May we not judge, lest we be judged ourselves. Heal us of our pain and rejection, Lord. Amen.

Today, we pray for our soldiers

Lord Jesus, on this Memorial Day, we pray that You preserve Your men and women in military service. We pray for truth, justice and human rights in the battle field. May our spouses, parents, brothers, sisters and friends who are risking their lives for our motherland, be blessed in a special way today. We pray for their spiritual walk, good health and longevity. May Your love sustain and encourage them through dark, anxious and lonely hours. We pray for the strengthening of their families and loved ones, facing daily challenges, while awaiting their return. A special prayers for the souls...

Today, we pray for all the families

Lord Jesus, today we bring to You all the families in the world. Lord, the evil one is destroying families and close relationships. We pray that families, friendships are protected and that strife is routed in Your mighty name. May those who are in relationships, families learn the importance of praying – together and for each other. And through the power of that prayer, may we always live in physical proximity, emotional togetherness and Your kind of love. Amen.