Tagged: Prayer in English

Today, we pray for those living in sexual sin

Lord Jesus, You taught us about love. But to some, love is manifested as lust. We pray for our brothers and sisters living in the bondage of sexual immorality, especially the ones who live that way – in secret. May they have the courage and integrity to recognise their folly and fight it, with Your grace. Pour forth Your Spirit on each one of us so that we may never fall into evil. Amen.

Today, we pray for widows, orphans and single parent families

Lord Jesus, today we pray for some of the ignored in our society – the widows, widowers, orphans and single parents. We pray that You will be the absent spouse, mother and father for them all. May Your love surround them when they are at their lowest. May Your Holy Spirit give them inner strength, courage and joy. May angels be at their service when they need them. Bless their families and friends too mightily, Lord. Forgive the ones who reject them and cause them suffering. Amen. Collect: O God, who decreed that Saint Barnabas, a man filled with faith...

Today, we pray for random acts of love

Lord Jesus, we pass people every day who need a demonstration of Your love – friends, family, strangers – both in and out of our inner circle. May we search for ways to show extravagant gestures of gracious love, and outlandish acts of kindness. Make us people who set a goal of doing daily deeds for which we cannot be repaid but in heaven. Set our hearts on fire for people who do not know You. Precious Savior, consume us with compassion for the desperate and downtrodden. Let us pour our lives out in Your kind of love. Amen.

Today, we pray for those struggling with their weight

Lord Jesus, today we pray for the obese and the underweight. Lord, correct our metabolism and bring restoration and balance to our bodies. Cover us with Your love when we struggle with low self image. Help us chose food that brings energy and vitality to our bodies, clarity to our minds. Let us treat our bodies with respect and care, as true temples of the Holy Ghost. Give us energy and enthusiasm to find efficient exercise regimes and stay committed to those. Lord, give us victory in this battle for good health. Most of all, Lord, give us the wisdom...

Today, we pray for the rich and the popular

Lord Jesus, today we pray for those in entertainment, finance, media, art and other socially popular spheres. Lord, these are the people who pile up achievements – those faces we recognise and whose joy lie in their awards and accolades and in their wealth. Thank You for these people who make our lives more entertaining and relaxing. Now we say a prayer over them to claim their souls for You and You alone. We pray that these souls do not disconnect from You ever. Send them help, to bring them back to You, Lord Jesus. Amen.