Tagged: Prayer in English

Today, we pray for the misunderstood

Lord Jesus, we surrender to You those of us who are torn and suffering today because of silly misunderstandings. We pray that Your love penetrates into our very souls and heals the wounds which run deep. May we believers learn to rebuke the devil and stay away from his tactics. May our relationships be blessed more and more. May rifts be healed and let love surpass everything. Amen.

Today, we pray for persecuted Christians

Lord Jesus, today we bring to You our brothers and sisters who are being tortured for their faith in You. Lord, let Your mercy and healing flow – into the prosecuted and the prosecutors. May the ones who harm us, know that to know You, is to speak about You. May Your name be glorified and spread across the world every second. A special prayer for the souls of those martyred for Christian faith and for their families. May Thy church grow without bounds, Jesus. Amen.

Today, we pray for the abused

Lord Jesus, we pray for those among us who have faced emotional, sexual or physical abuse. Children who have been tortured, women who have had their dignity stripped off and men who have been insulted. When our brethren suffer, Lord, surround them with Your angels. May Your love bring total and permanent healing – the kind that only Your Holy Spirit can give us. Amen.

Today, we pray for those lukewarm in their faith

Lord Jesus, today we surrender to You those among us who have a lukewarm relationship with You and the church. Lord, You said that those who are neither hot nor cold would be spat out. We pray that we really begin to live out our Christian faith with love, passion, freedom and grace. May we also never become blind followers of the blind, but exercise Your wisdom and caution, when facing challenges in our faith walk. Bring Your Spirit alive in us – every day – like a fresh anointing. Amen.

Today, we pray for world peace

Lord Jesus, God of love, we pray that Your peace comes into our world. Our world is torn by broken individuals, distant factions and fighting countries. We pray that Your touch heals each one of them. May the love that Your Holy Spirit gives cleanse individuals, faiths, groups. God bless us all. Amen. Collect: O God, who consecrated that abundant first fruits of the Roman Church by the blood of the Martyrs, grant, we pray, that with firm courage we may together draw strength from so great a struggle and ever rejoice at the triumph of faithful love. Through our...