Tagged: Prayer in English

Today, we pray for those awaiting breakthroughs

Lord Jesus, today we bring to Your Cross, those of us who are awaiting a major revival in our lives. Lord, only Your Spirit can rebuild and revive anything that’s bent, broken or totally shattered. We pray that Your light will come into our lives and provide the breakthroughs we desperately seek – in our ministry, relationships, marriages, careers and any situations we face, during our daily walk. May help come when we turn to You. And may we turn to You first before we seek help elsewhere. Also, bring to us good people who can help us turn the...

Today, we pray for our loved ones who have died

Lord Jesus, today we say a prayer for the souls and memories of our beloved who are dead. Assure us that their souls are in Your light. Let every unfulfilled dream and ache of theirs be dealt with here on earth. Lord, hug and comfort all those who are grieving right now; the ones left behind. May they feel You, Your love. Let Your angels on earth fill the roles the dead cannot fill anymore. We pray that all will be well, until we meet again in Your presence. Amen.

Today, we pray for those who have caused us harm

Lord Jesus, today we bring to You each and every person who has broken our hearts, injured us physically or emotionally or hurt our dear ones. Lord, we make a decision to forgive. Please take hold of the pieces of our shattered hearts and make them whole again. Pour forth Your Spirit and give us the healing we need so badly. Wipe our tears tonight, when we are totally alone in this pain. A special prayer for those who pretended to be our friend and stabbed us from the back. Bless them mightily, Lord Jesus. Amen.

Today, we pray for animals

Lord Jesus, on this day we pray for animals, birds and other living creatures that You created to give us joy. We pray that these are protected and not abused. Forgive us Lord for the way we have hurt the living things around the world. A special prayer for our pets, who bring us happiness. May us human beings learn to respect and love life – all creatures that You created. Amen.

Today, we pray for the helpless

Lord Jesus. today we pray for those among us caught up in helpless situations. Grief, stress, family problems, work issues, sinful bondage, abuse and financial crisis – only You can deliver us from these, sweet Jesus. May Your power flow into these areas, bringing healing, comfort and joy. We pray for redemption. We pray for timely angels to be rushed to our side. More than anything, let us have the assurance and the peace from Your Holy Spirit. Amen.