Tagged: Prayer in English

Today, we pray for the elderly

Lord Jesus, today we bring to You the oldest members of our families and society. We pray that Your presence comforts them in their loneliness. Keep them focused on You, rather than on their aches and anxieties. We pray specially for those who are living alone. Watch over our parents and grandparents, Oh Jesus. May they have angels for their aid whenever they are alone. Help us serve them well, all their lives. Amen.

Today, we pray for homemakers

Lord Jesus, today we bring to You, all Your children who are homemakers. Lord, they often do the unpaid, thankless service no one wants to do, and do it lifelong. We thank You for these wonderful women and men who choose their families and their needs before their own success and a successful career. We bless their work-worn hands, Jesus. A special prayer for the mums, dads and relatives and the administrators who have made our own homes and institutions true homes of selfless love. Amen.

Today, we pray over our losses

Lord Jesus, today we bring to You everything that we count as a loss in our lives today. The failed interview, the lost finances, our blocked education, the broken home, the lost relationship, the thwarted plans, the insulted friendship, the shattered dreams, the destroyed ministry and many more. Lord of restoration, when You breathe life into our losses, they become precious gains once again. May no child of Yours despair today over anything that he or she has lost. May we keep our eyes focused on what lies ahead – victory in Your name and by Your power. And may...

Today, we pray for farmers

Lord Jesus, we pray for everyone who makes a living by working the soil. Let farmers who provide us with fresh produce, truly see the fruits of their labour. May we always honour their toil. As the harvest season has been welcomed, we pray that farmers around the world are blessed for their hard work. May their workers, land, water, crop, animals and seeds be blessed today and forever. Amen.

Today, we pray for inner healing

Lord Jesus. today we bring to You our wounds. O God who healed the sick, have mercy on us all. May Your love that surpasses all human understanding fill us, cleanse us and strengthen us. Remove from each one of us any deep inner wounds which we got right from the time we were conceived, up to this moment. We pray that we can forgive and forget. Help heal the ones we have wounded too. Amen.