Tagged: message of the day


“Come now, let us set things right, says the Lord.” –Isaiah 1:18 In our secular humanistic culture, many people, even Christians, have unformed and deformed consciences. They have not been “trained by practice to distinguish good from evil” (Heb 5:14). “One sees in them men without conscience, without loyalty, without affection, without pity” (Rm 1:31). These people commit many serious sins, but do not feel guilty because they are so spiritually blinded and immature. However, this condition of serious sin, minimal guilt, and undeveloped consciences will not last indefinitely. Reality finally sets in, and they come to realize that they...


“Be compassionate, as your Father is compassionate.” –Luke 6:36 Today’s readings speak of an ever-increasing awareness of sin. Sin eventually results in being “brought very low” (Ps 79:8). Nations and people that rebel against God (see Dn 9:9) will eventually reap the harvest of sin, that is, disaster and death (see Rm 6:23). The measure that rebels measure with will eventually be measured right back to them, as Jesus says (Lk 6:38). In the secular culture, to stand up against sin and immorality is considered an act of “hate.” Yet it is not love to allow (or even encourage) a...


“Listen to Him.” –Mark 9:7 The Lord is the most important Person in the world to listen to, and the most important thing He says is: “If a man wishes to come after Me, he must deny his very self, take up his cross, and follow in My steps” (Mk 8:34). Nevertheless, although the message of the cross is the power and the wisdom of God (1 Cor 1:24), we, like the apostles, find it the most difficult message to hear. So Jesus led three apostles “up a high mountain. He was transfigured before their eyes” (Mk 9:2). Light burst...


“This will prove that you are sons of your heavenly Father.” –Matthew 5:45 In this time of Lent, the Church emphasizes more than ever the command: “In a word, you must be made perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect” (Mt 5:48). Like our Father, we must show love practically even to our persecutors and enemies (Mt 5:44-45). Lent is traditionally a time of God the Father confirming His love for us as His sons and daughters. Before Jesus was led into the desert by the Holy Spirit (Mt 4:1), He heard His Father say: “This is My beloved Son....


“Lose no time.” –Matthew 5:25 “All’s well that ends well.” “If the wicked man turns away from all the sins he committed, if he keeps all My statutes and does what is right and just, he shall surely live, he shall not die” (Ez 18:21). The “good thief” lived a miserable life, but ended well and was in paradise with Jesus on the day they both died (Lk 23:43). Because our ending is all-important, some people wait until the end to convert to Jesus. This is a serious mistake. “Delay not your conversion to the Lord, put it not off...