Tagged: message of the day

Be Strong!

“Say to those with fearful hearts, “Be strong, do not fear; your God will come”. Isaiah 35:4 We all experience discouragement at some point in our lives. If you feel that your dreams have been shattered and your efforts have come to nothing, do not allow self-pity to sow the seed of discouragement in your spirit. There are spiritual reserves from which you can draw that will give you hope and a sense of purpose. Do not rely on your own sources of inspiration, because when these fail you will lose your vision and become discouraged. God is your constant source...


“It pleased God to save those who believe through the absurdity of the preaching of the gospel.” –1 Corinthians 1:21 Mass Reading : First : 1 COR 1:17-25; Resp: PS 33:1-2, 4-5, 10-11; Gospel: MT 25:1-13 Pope St. John Paul II maintained that the western world, especially, Europe, Canada, and the USA, was in a crisis of faith. The lack of priestly and religious vocations in our part of the world is a symptom of a lack of faith. Our problems are not superficial, but critical. Satan is not just trying to break the windows of western civilization; he’s trying...


“You must be prepared.” –Matthew 24:44 Mass Readings: August 25 First: 1 Corinthians 1:1-9; Resp: Psalm 145:2-7; Gospel: Matthew 24:42-51 Jesus warns us to be prepared for His final coming and the end of the world. In fact, we must be always prepared since we “cannot know the day” our Lord is coming (Mt 24:42). Jesus describes our preparations in four ways: working to give food to those in need (Mt 24:45-46). While this can refer to feeding people physically (see Mt 25:35), Jesus is probably referring to dispensing the spiritual food of God’s Word (see Mt 4:4) by our...


“Come, I will show you the woman who is the bride of the Lamb.” –Revelation 21:9 Do you belong to the Church that Jesus founded? If you do, you belong to the body of Christ (e.g. Eph 1:22-23) and the bride of Christ. If you belong to Christ’s Church, you belong to the Church which holds the keys to the kingdom of heaven (Mt 16:19) and is the pillar and bulwark of truth (1 Tm 3:15). How do you know if you belong to Christ’s Church? Some people think that the Church with the best and holiest people must be...


The Lord “has made the world firm, not to be moved.” –Psalm 96:10 Satan tries to disturb the peace. He wants everything in an uproar. He specializes in chaos. However, “God is a God, not of confusion, but of peace” (1 Cor 14:33). He is “happy to see good order among” us and the firmness of our faith in Christ (Col 2:5). We should not let anything agitate or terrify us – even rumors about the end of the world (2 Thes 2:2). What if “the consummation of all is close at hand” (see 1 Pt 4:7)? We should still...