Tagged: memory verse


“God chose us in Him before the world began, to be holy and blameless in His sight.” —Ephesians 1:4 Jesus has definitively and irreversibly defeated the devil by His death and Resurrection. All that’s left is to put Jesus’ enemies at His feet (Heb 10:13). Jesus’ victory over sin and over Satan is available to all of Jesus’ followers. We can resist all Satan’s temptations (Jas 4:7). All this is true, but we have trouble believing that we can have Jesus’ victory in our lives, because we repeatedly fall into sin and are defeated. In our weakness and sin, Mary...


“Who is this Man Who utters blasphemies? Who can forgive sins but God alone?” –Luke 5:21 Jesus always has forgiveness on His mind. The roof literally falls in, but Jesus responds: “My friend, your sins are forgiven you” (Lk 5:20). A man lay before Him paralyzed and Jesus says: “The Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins” (Lk 5:24). The apostles ask Jesus to teach them to pray, and Jesus replies: “Forgive us the wrong we have done as we forgive those who wrong us” (Mt 6:12). Even while hanging on the cross, among His last words...


“In His arms He gathers the lambs.” –Isaiah 40:11 The Lord plans to comfort His people (Is 40:1). However, it’s hard to comfort a person on the move. When my children were small, they often fell and hurt themselves. I would gather the screaming child in my arms (Is 40:11) and attempt to “give comfort” to them (Is 40:1). Sometimes they would get stiff as a board and refuse to be comforted. Other times, they would squirm relentlessly and would not accept comfort. When they allowed me to comfort them, I placed their head against my chest, and they rested,...


“At the sight of the crowds, His heart was moved with pity.” –Matthew 9:36 The Lord is planning a wonderful Christmas. He promises: “No more will you weep” (Is 30:19). Our prayers will be answered immediately (Is 30:19). We will no longer be confused but know exactly which way to go (Is 30:21). Our lives will be fruitful and life-giving (see Is 30:23-25). We will walk in the light as never before and also see the Lord healing His people (Is 30:26). These are just a few of Jesus’ plans for Christmas. So much needs to be done to accomplish...


“This I seek…” –Psalm 27:4 Before Jesus healed the blind men in today’s Gospel, they had the gift of faith (Mt 9:28). After they received sight from Jesus, they disobeyed His orders to keep the healing secret. Instead, the formerly blind men spread word of Jesus “through the whole area” (Mt 9:31) before Jesus was ready for that to happen. On another occasion, Jesus healed a leper (Mk 1:41) who also had humility and faith. Once healed, this leper likewise disobeyed Jesus’ order to keep the healing secret (Mk 1:44). He went off and spread the report abroad with the...