Tagged: Daily Story

The Salt of your Life

Matthew 5-13 “Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? It is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men. “ If we are to be brothers and sisters in Christ with good spirits, we all need to have a little “salt” in our lives to provide us with the savour we need for being his instruments on earth. There are many little things that add a sudden burst of pleasure to your day. These are the “salt” of...

Three Soldiers Acted as Guardian Angels for a Woman in a Terrible Accident

Linda Hartman was in a terrible car accident. If it wasn’t for three guardian angels that showed up on the scene, her children would be without a mother. Those angels? They were soldiers. Linda was a passenger in the car. She was riding home with a coworker from work when she fell asleep. The car slid on the icy road and flipped. Her friend woke her up during the crash, apologizing and telling Linda her legs were broken. She was bleeding badly. The soldiers who stopped to help just happened to have military medical training. Sgt. Mike Black was able...

As You Carry Me

Forgiveness doesn’t come easy Forgetting is harder still. The pain of the deed comes unbidden Filling my heart until The tears start flowing and quietly Wiping the tears away I cry to my Father in heaven Please take this pain away They say that time is a healer But what if time stands still Or ticks like a snail moving slowly Climbing an endless hill. Each moment stretched out like elastic Each hour an endurance to bear And through the tears and the heartache The cry ‘My God, are you there?’ I give it all to you Lord The heartache...

What If?

What if, God couldn’t take the time to bless us today Because we couldn’t take the time to thank Him yesterday ? What if, God decided to stop leading us tomorrow because we didn’t follow Him today ? What if, We never saw another flower bloom because we grumbled when God sent the rain ? What if, God took away the Bible tomorrow because we wouldn’t read it today ? What if, God took away His message because we failed to listen to the messenger ? What if, God didn’t send His only begotten son Because He wanted us to...

What Kind of Fool Am I?

Shall I be a Fool for Christ, Or Christless Fool be I. Whatever kind of fool I be Will mark me when I die. Shall I be a Christless Fool Deny the Christ and Cross. No God for me, Why should I fear My soul shall know no loss! Shall I be a Fool for Christ And preach Him, Crucified. Pointing to the Blood stained cross On which my Saviour died. O Christless Fool, your life will end Your soul will pay the cost. Because the Saviour you denied In Hell, you will be lost. Yes, I’ll be a Fool...