Tagged: Daily Reflections


“Jesus said to all: ‘Whoever wishes to be My follower must deny his very self, take up his cross each day, and follow in My steps.’ ” –Luke 9:23 Mass Readings: February 15 First: Deuteronomy 30:15-20; Resp: Psalm 1:1-4,6; Gospel: Luke 9:22-25 Listen to the Mass Readings Because of our fallen human nature, we are addicted to self. By nature, we constantly think about ourselves and are so far out of touch with reality that we automatically think of ourselves as the center of the universe. To free us from our addiction to self, God became a man. He was...


“Then the Lord was stirred to concern for His land and took pity on His people.” -–Joel 2:18 God is a God of mercy. Jesus has revealed that nothing causes more joy in heaven than a repentant sinner. The Lord apparently cannot resist a humble, contrite, repentant heart (Ps 51:19). Those of us who are parents are blessed to get a glimpse of the heart of God in this area. When my children have approached me truly sorry for what they have done wrong, my fatherly heart melts with love for them. If I want good things for my children,...


“When I say, ‘My foot is slipping,’ Your kindness, O Lord, sustains me.” –Psalm 94:18 Mass Readings: February 13 First: James 1:12-18; Resp: Psalm 94:12-15,18-19; Gospel: Mark 8:14-21. Listen to the Mass Readings When we walk in Jesus’ footsteps (Lk 9:23), we will fall because Jesus Himself fell while carrying His cross. We cannot allow these falls to erode our trust in our heavenly Father. In tempting Jesus, Satan even told Jesus that Scripture promised that He wouldn’t even hit His foot on a stone (Mt 4:6; Ps 91:12). However, when the Lord promises to guard our feet from stumbling...


“[The Pharisees] were looking for some heavenly sign from Him as a test. With a sigh from the depths of His spirit He said, ‘Why does this age seek a sign? I assure you, no such sign will be given it!’ ” –Mark 8:11-12 Mass Readings: February 12 First: James 1:1-11; Resp: Psalm 119:67-68,71-72,75-76; Gospel: Mark 8:11-13 Listen to the Mass Readings Do you need a sign from God to believe in His power and love? Well, then, despite not giving the Pharisees of His time a sign, the Lord is about to give the world an incredible sign, one...

A. M. D. G.

“Whatever you do – you should do all for the glory of God.” –1 Corinthians 10:31 It’s the middle of winter; it’s bitterly cold; it’s so tempting to hide away and just go through the motions. However, Lent begins on Wednesday. Lent is a great antidote for the temptation to go through the motions and do the bare minimum in our work, school, marriage, parenting, ministry, etc. The Church gives us Lent to break through the drudgery of life (see Jb 7:1). There can be no going through the motions at the foot of the cross. When we place ourselves...