Tagged: Daily Reflections


When Athaliah, the mother of Ahaziah, saw that her son was dead, she began to kill off the whole royal family.” –2 Kings 11:1 Athaliah, the queen mother, massacred the rest of the royal family so she could take over the kingdom of Judah. Seven years later, she was dethroned and killed. This victory of justice was achieved by God’s grace through four people or groups of people: Jehosheba risked her life to rescue a baby, her nephew, Joash, the rightful king (2 Kgs 11:2). Others risked their lives daily for seven years by secretly caring for Joash (2 Kgs...


“Then Elisha, filled with a twofold portion of his spirit, wrought many marvels.” –Sirach 48:12 Elijah humbled Israel’s economy by stopping the rain for three-and-a-half years. “Three times [he] brought down fire” (Sir 48:3). He slit the throats of several hundred false prophets (1 Kgs 18:19, 40). He “brought a dead man back to life” (Sir 48:5). He was “taken aloft in a whirlwind, in a chariot with fiery horses” (Sir 48:9). Yet these were not the greatest things Elijah did. His greatest work was to make Elisha his disciple. This led to Hazael and Jehu being anointed, who finally...


“Your Father Who sees what is hidden will repay you.” –Matthew 6:18 We are in the middle of three weeks of reading Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount. In the first ten days, He set a standard of holiness that was “out of this world.” He teaches us to regard lowliness and persecution as blessed (see Mt 5:3, 10). We aren’t allowed even to get angry or look lustfully (Mt 5:22, 28). Jesus went so far as to require that we offer no resistance to injury, turn the other cheek, and love our enemies (Mt 5:39, 44). He finally was “totally...


“Have you found me out, my enemy?” –1 Kings 21:20 May our enemies find us out, that is, find out that we genuinely love them in truth. May our enemies find us out, that is, find out that we are praying and fasting for them, and offering Masses and sacrifices for them. May our enemies find us out, finding that we have no hatred in our hearts for them, but only true love (Mt 5:44ff). May our enemies find us out, that is, find out that after we have suffered loss and pain as a result of their hatred, and...


“His fellow citizens – the elders and the nobles who dwelt in his city – did as Jezebel had ordered them.” –1 Kings 21:11 To get Naboth’s property, Jezebel, the queen of Samaria, ordered the elders and nobles of Naboth’s city to get two scoundrels to falsely accuse Naboth and then to stone him to death (1 Kgs 21:11ff). Many people obeyed Jezebel and thereby participated in Naboth being murdered. When Jesus was crucified, many people obeyed orders from Pontius Pilate and the religious leaders. Thus, they “did the dirty work” of putting God to death. Throughout history, masses of...