Tagged: Daily Reflection


“Lord, I have heard from many sources about this man…” –Acts 9:13 Those who consider religion boring must not know the Lord God. He is constantly doing stupendous, amazing things. Jesus appeared to Saul, the fiercest opponent of Christians. With great power, Jesus converted him into the greatest evangelist (Acts 9:15ff). At the very time that some Catholics are losing faith in their Church, many Protestants are converting to the Catholic Church. Some Protestant pastors have even brought their entire congregations with them into the Church. Youth are populating the pro-life movement in large numbers, bringing new vigor and hope...


“Your ancestors ate manna in the desert, but they died. This is the Bread that comes down from heaven for a man to eat and never die.” –John 6:49-50 When it comes to food, God provides and man derides. God gave Adam and Eve all kinds of good food in the garden of Eden (Gn 2:16). Sadly, their craving to eat beyond what God provided led to mankind’s downfall (Gn 3:6). God then provided miraculous manna to the Israelites when they were stranded in the desert (Ex 16:14ff). He “furnished them bread from heaven, ready to hand, untoiled-for, endowed with...


“The members of the church who had been dispersed went about preaching the word.” –Acts 8:4 When the early Christians were chased out of Jerusalem, they went to other towns and chased out unclean spirits. When the Church was being paralyzed and crippled from being persecuted, the wounded Church healed the paralytics and cripples. While the Christians mourned the deaths of martyrs, cities rejoiced because they heard and accepted the gospel (see Acts 8:1-8). The Lord works everything together for the good of the Church (see Rm 8:28). “If God is for us, who can be against us?” (Rm 8:31)...


“Those who listened to his words were stung to the heart.” –Acts 7:54 At the first Christian Pentecost, many of those who heard Peter preach “were stabbed in the heart” by his words and the convicting power of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:37, our transl). Three thousand of them repented, were baptized, and received the Holy Spirit (see Acts 2:38, 41). After Stephen preached, the people hearing him “were cut to the heart” (Acts 7:54, our transl). Nevertheless, they did not repent. Rather, “they ground their teeth in anger at” Stephen (Acts 7:54). “The onlookers were shouting aloud, holding their...


“The way of truth I have chosen.” –Psalm 119:30 Jesus, the Truth (Jn 14:6), stood for the truth. He paid for this stand with His life, as His opponents used deceit, lies, and intimidation of witnesses to condemn Him to death. St. Stephen stood for the truth. He paid for this stand with his life, as his opponents likewise used deceit, lies, and intimidation of witnesses to condemn him to death. The Catholic Church stands for the truth, regardless of whether or not the truth is “politically correct.” The Church proclaims the truths that Jesus is really present in the...